The Alameda County Schools Insurance Group is a Joint Powers Authority serving the public school districts in Alameda County.
Since July 1, 1978, the Alameda County Schools Insurance Group, a self-insurance pool, has provided coverage to local educational agencies in California. ACSIG operates programs for property/liability, dental and vision, and workers’ compensation. In addition to its programs, ACSIG provides claims administration and loss control training and services to its members.
ACSIG is governed by a 19-member Board of Directors, which is comprised of representatives from each member agency. From its members, the Board of Directors elects a President, Vice President, and Secretary as part of a seven-member Executive Committee.
ACSIG’s day-to-day operations are administered by an Executive Director who serves as the Chief Executive Officer. The Executive Director is responsible for the administration of policies as set forth by the pool’s organization documents, Bylaws, and the Board of Directors.
Following are some statistics regarding ACSIG:
- Each Member appoints a representative and alternate to the JPA Board.
- Each Member is a Member of the Board and has one vote.
- ACSIG has a Full Board that meets two times per year.
- The fiscal year for ACSIG commences on July 1 and ends on June 30.
- As of July 1, 2015, there are 19 Members participating in the Workers Compensation program and 5 members in the Property and Liability program.
- The Dental program serves 100,000 employees statewide.
- The Vision program serves 40 agencies statewide.